Audience Development - Oerol | NL

Photo by Oerol

Oerol have been engaging with the island community over many years and run the Islandchildren project as an annual collaboration between Oerol and children from the primary schools on Terschelling.  For 2019, the programme was given a new direction with the theme of ‘the island is disappearing’, focussing on climate change through the children reflecting on the value of their environment and its vulnerability.  A theme mirrored in the LAND presentations at Oerol 2019 of ‘Plan B’, ‘Land Zonder Dijk’ and ‘Silent Messengers’.

Islandchildren is an inclusive programme for all classes (Group 1 – 8) providing creative workshops in the schools together with presentation / access to the festival itself.  In 2019, 5 schools involving over 350 children were engaged in this process allowing each child opportunities to engage with the arts through learning, creating and reflecting.  Poetry posters were created and then exhibited at Oerol together with the children visiting to officially open the festival. 

Each year, this programme allows younger people to experience different art forms and grow their connection to the landscape arts at the heart of the festival.  In 2018, the programme was linked to LAND’s presentation of And Now’s ‘Wayfaring’ through an extensive series of workshops engaging with over 300 children.  Delivered by Victor Frederick in conjunction with the artists, the children created items incorporated into the installation and visited during the festival period. 
